Friday 9 November 2012

Dear Families,

This past month, as a school, we recognized students who displayed the character trait, responsibility.  Congratulations to Chloe, Cameron and Allison for being honoured at the school assembly with a certificate!  They are caring and positive members of our class. Chloe, Cameron and Allison willingly take on responsibilities within our class, such as tidying up supplies, stacking chairs and most importantly, they can be depended on to work with or help classmates in need.

This week the children and I have been discussing and reading books about Remembrance Day. We had a workshop with some our Grade 8 students to help us prepare for today's school assembly; our focus has been on ensuring that we value the contributions made by people, in the past and present, towards creating a peaceful and caring world, school, community and home.

The Grade 8 students helped to remind the children that we are all different and yet we are all the same; we all need to be loved and feel safe. A small donations for the poppy your child was given today would be greatly appreciated; we will be collecting donations all next week.

Next week, a progress report will be sent home with your child. A letter will also be sent allowing each family to request a conference for next Thursday evening or Friday morning. (I will also be able to meet another time if necessary.) The library will also be open during THURSDAY NIGHT for the Scholastic Book Fair; during this time you can purchase books at reasonable cost while also supporting the library (a portion of each sale is donated to our school library).  

I look forward to meeting with you and thank you for all your continued support and encouragement.

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