Wednesday 17 October 2012

                                October News

Dear Families,
We had our first recognition assembly last Friday; congratulations to Katalina, Luke and Leo for being recognized for the respect they show towards others in our school community. Everyone in the class has made great efforts in displaying respect. All the children will have an opportunity to be recognized at one of these monthly assemblies for a character trait which reflects their contribution in making our class a safe and caring place to learn.

Thank you for your support these last two weeks in helping your child with his/her  Borrow-a-Books. I would ask that the children return their book bags each week by Wednesday so that we have an opportunity to collect another set of books and add items to each folder. Please note that the purpose of the Borrow-a-Book program is to encourage you to make time daily as a family to read together.  Literacy research has shown that sharing a variety of books daily with your child is one of the best ways to support their learning.  I encourage you to find time each day and connect with your child by finding a quiet and comfortable place to enjoy reading together and sharing your ideas about different stories.  One way children develop their reading comprehension is connecting what they read to their own lives. Your support in helping your child make connections to stories with his/her own experiences is invaluable.

Your donations to the food bank before the Thanksgiving weekend were greatly appreciated.  I was able to drop off two large baskets of food from our class.

Finally, as cold and flu season begins, I would appreciate if each child could contribute one box of soft tissues or Kleenex  for our classroom; this will help me to ensure we will have several boxes always available for the class and will allow me to spend our class budget on more meaningful items for the children, such as new books and art supplies.  

The children and myself would also welcome contributions towards our drawing, writing and art paper.  White or bright coloured paper is sure to be used by the children to create pictures, stories and letters.

Thank you for your continued support and encouragement!

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