Wednesday 17 October 2012

Dear Parents,

Our calendar will go home near the beginning of each month. Please put it up in a prominent place so that you and your child can check it daily.  This will help the children come prepared for their different activities. Please note:
        The children will need to wear running shoes on Days 3 and 5.
        Our first SWIM class is on Tuesday, September 18th.  Please ensure that your child has a bathing suit and towel. Our swim classes will be every other Day 1.

        Most school or class notices will be sent home once a week on         Thursdays using each child's green mail folder. Please return         the folder to school by the following Monday.

During our first week together, the children have been getting to know each other and learning our class routines. It has been a busy few days and I am encouraged by the effort they have displayed this week when working with their new classmates. We have begun to share our summer memories these past two days. This activity is helping us learn about our different interests and experiences. Thank you for helping your child find something to share with the class.

This week, unfortunately, I also had the difficult task of sharing the  sad news that our classroom pet, Norbert, had died during the summer. He was loved by all the children and staff who knew and helped care for him. During the past few years, Norbert helped many new or shy students feel welcomed and loved. He enjoyed their attention and would show them he cared with his squeaks or by purring when he was held.
It was hard sharing this news with the children, knowing it would make some of them sad. I was unsure how I was going to answer all their questions. I started by reading a story about a family pet who died. Then the children and I shared our memories of Norbert with the new children in our class to explain why he was so special and important to us.  Some of them drew pictures and wrote about the good things they remembered about him. I have a picture of Norbert for those students who knew him and I am sending it home today.

I am sure you have also heard our happy news -- we have a new classroom pet, Olivia! She is soft and a little shy but seems to be adjusting well to all her new friends and our busy classroom.

Thank you for your support and cooperation during this week.
If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me.

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